Monday, February 18, 2013

About two years ago I used to have 250 pounds of fat. I am not ashamed of saying that I was fat. Having the courage to admit to yourself that you are fat is the first step to achieving your goals.

I started searching for numerous ways to lose weight, running, walking going to the gym none of those things helped. I even tried some of the online exercise programs, but still they never help me. One day a friend of mine invited me to take a ride. I never had a bike at the time so he loan me one. I must admit that at first I wasn't too enthusiastic about going for the ride, but as soon as we hit the road and the cool breeze hit me, it felt great riding.

We were going slow and discussing one thing to the next, before I knew it, I was some five miles into the ride. I was encouraged to go one more mile before returning the same distance. I never knew that I would have accomplished that challenge in 45 minutes. I know right, 12 miles in 45 minutes, on a road bike, well, it felt long for me at the time, compare to where I am now, but the main thing was that I was not worried about the time nor was I worried about the distance. I was enjoying my ride talking all the way going and coming.

And, so it all begun, I kept going for another month before I eventually purchase my own bike. Getting my own bike was the next step in my transformation from being a fat dude to some one that was energized and in great physical shaped. This help because my friend and I was not always able to go out for a ride together, which meant that I had to go alone sometimes, but that's the sweet part of it. I wasn't afraid to go out alone, nor was I worried about the distances. I wanted to challenge myself to continue the great work of exercising and staying in shape. I must mention, that within that initial month I lose 30 pounds, and that was because I did not change my diet, nor did I stop enjoying the social events drinking a beer or two. Everything remains the same.

This brings me to my next point of keeping your bike in shape. I never knew much about taking care of a bike, because while growing up, it was my older brother that was into fixing bikes, doing bike maintenance for all the kids in the neighborhood and other family and friends. I got a flat ten miles into one of my ride, well; at the time I did not have a spare tube nor did I had patches and a pump to sort out the problem. Nonetheless, some help came by, few of our professional cyclists stopped to assist me with the flat, two of them stop and gave me a tube and they pump it up for me. They then invited me to follow them back (this is because after the flat I turn back to go home). While returning back the discussion was surrounding the need to have your necessary spares or a patch kit with you whenever you are on the road. Furthermore, when you are not riding, it is good to check your chain, derailleur and other parts of your bike that endure the strain of the road, so that whenever you are on the road you don't have to worry about your bike failing you. Therefore, I wish to encourage you to try it out and let me know how you feel after your first ride.

Keep your bike and yourself in shape find bike maintenance information on My Site.